Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Just checking in

Hello Everyone
Well I will admit that it has been awhile since I have logged on to the blog but I also will say that I thoroughly enjoyed my first OCB Cluster Meeting at TOTAL ministries. Since I am new to Spartanburg these meetings are providing me an opportunity to learn more about the agencies and organizations in our city - well at least those in my cluster.

Rebecca - well not sure if you are the first one to spend all of your money -I am whittling away at it. Our grant was provided to solicit additional funding for our office through membership recruitment. So far I have had special remittance envelopes printed, had them inserted in two our newsletters and am now working on getting a prospect letter out. The first letter will go to those on our mailing list - since they are already familiar with our work I am hoping to have success there before venturing out to cold lists.

Looking forward to the next OCB cluster 2 meeting - hosted by Preservation Trust.

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