Friday, April 13, 2007

Animal Allies

I was so proud of myself when I figured out how to sign up for the blog back on in March. My plan was to start blogging at least a couple of times a week to let everyone know what was happening at Animal Allies.

Here we are almost a month later and I am posting my first blog. So much for my good intentions!

Animal Allies, which was founded in 1998, began its second year of operations in our new clinic on January, 2007. Our first year certainly was filled with a series of challenges and successes.

With the help of our great staff, the support and trust of our wonderful public clients and rescue groups, the generosity of our incredible donors, and the strong direction of our Board of Directors, we were able to spay and neuter 4,776 animals in 2006. Because of those surgeries, many thousands of animals will not be born over the next ten years.

From the day we opened the doors of the clinic until today, we continue to grow. Our main goal is and will always be to reduce the number of stray and unwanted animals in our community.

What we are learning is that success in any endeavor, especially ours, needs a collaboration of efforts. In 2007, we hope to partner with other agencies, both animal related and community related to ensure that the four-legged members of families do not become burdens to those families. We believe a spayed/neutered animal not only makes a better pet but has a much better chance of being a productive and supportive partner to all members of the family.

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