Thursday, November 1, 2007

Update from the Preservation Trust

In our monthly update, I wanted to bring my fellow OCB grantees up to speed on our progress:

We continue to run our board meetings with streamlined measures and have recently adopted updated by-laws, attendance policy, and a board member responsibility policy. Our Governance Committee has been hard at work to complete and present all of these policies and subsequent documents.

Our consultant is currently working on specific documents to streamline some of our daily operations; these will help us implement an organizational plan he is preparing and assist our small staff in prioritizing our work for the future.

I mentioned in the last post that we are encouraging the City of Spartanburg to apply for grant funding from the State Department of Archives and History for a city-wide survey of historic resources (neighborhoods, buildings, etc). This is moving forward and we are looking forward to the outcome!

Also, we recently created and implemented a customer satisfaction survey for those we serve. This includes people who use us as a resource (for example, our owner-occupied rehabilitation grant receipients) and our homebuyers. This step was long overdue in our organization, and we had a great response rate. In the next few months, we plan to revise the survey so we can poll on a more regular basis. We so appreciate feedback and realize that even criticism can be useful, constructive, and help us make positive changes.

On a closing note, I want to say how much I enjoyed our last meeting with Terry Hypes and Big Brothers Big Sisters (ask to see his fabulous video with Mayor Barnet) and am looking forward to our meeting tomorrow morning with Cindi at The Haven.

Rebecca Parrish