Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Closer to answers...our OCB grant

Hello everyone! The last time I wrote, the Preservation Trust was awaiting deliverables from our hired help, consultant Bruce Lyon, and we are one step closer in that process.

To help our board gain strength, Bruce sent out an board member self evaluation form. For any of you who have not done this before, I think it is a must. Boards should evaluate themselves (just like they do with staff) once per year. It has been eye-opening to review their thoughts. We are using the information to change several things about our board structure, meetings, and board understanding.

Right now our board is on the "large side" according to many advisors, including the folks at SCANPO. We are evaluating not only our board size but also our board skill set and participation levels. After some training with Allison Black Cornelius, we installed a Governance Committee to evaluate our bylaws, policies, committees, and meeting structure. They are suggesting some changes, including updating our bylaws, understanding legal rights and requirements, create policies specific to board members (ie, Attendence Policy and Complaint Resolution Procedure), and educating in our board meetings rather than updating.

We are hoping to institute some of these changes at our annual board meeting in September. Bruce Lyon has already conducted our board retreat (May) and will be submitting a needs assessment, organizational work plan, and financial forecasting plan for our organization.

Rebecca Parrish